Challenge. U.S. Government Agency Program had incurred excessive overtime expenditures in recent fiscal years and, as part of a Headquarters-directed, enterprise-wide initiative, Region leadership was charged to reduce overtime expenditures in the current fiscal year to 25% of base year levels. To help evaluate its effort, Region leadership sought a simple, user-friendly labor execution reporting…
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Challenge. The monthly customer meetings (hereafter, “Event”) hosted by U.S. Government Financial Management organization generated sparse and irregular attendance among the target audience – extra-organization personnel responsible for budget management in their respective programs. Moreover, there didn’t seem to be any type of performance tracking by which to measure and improve performance. Approach. As part…
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Challenge. The monthly customer meetings (hereafter, “Event”) hosted by U.S. Government Financial Management organization generated sparse and irregular attendance among the target audience – extra-organization personnel responsible for budget management in their respective programs. The meetings seemed to lack structure and there wasn’t much enthusiasm among leadership. Approach. Sensing an opportunity for improvement, I proposed…
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