Challenge. The monthly customer meetings (hereafter, “Event”) hosted by U.S. Government Financial Management organization generated sparse and irregular attendance among the target audience – extra-organization personnel responsible for budget management in their respective programs. The meetings seemed to lack structure and there wasn’t much enthusiasm among leadership. Approach. Sensing an opportunity for improvement, I proposed…
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Challenge. Bellevue-based Internet Co.’s signature social networking product lagged behind its competitors in keyword search rankings and online traffic. Internet Co.’s director of marketing wanted to improve the product’s online performance, increase traffic to its site, and ultimately increase its user base. Approach. My team and I performed research into key SEM principles and strategies…
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Professional marketers will mention the importance of systematizing your business development activities and building a pipeline or a sales funnel to capture leads. For the longest time, savvy marketing directors have built these systems for their organizations in the physical world but, with the expansion of the Internet into all aspects of our lives, you…
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