Challenge. The environmental program of Higher Education Institution lacked a regional organization, standards, and brand presence in the six north Puget Sound counties in which it operated. Program principals wanted a sustainable business plan that considered various options for organizational structure, program design, branding/marketing strategy, and funding strategy, among other considerations, as well as a…
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Challenge. Entrepreneur Team was considering establishing a national business providing niche advertising services and wanted to better understand the industry and market. They had a plethora of questions related to such items as key players, potential partners, prospective customers’ buying decisions, products, market pricing, asset management technology, market opportunities, etc. However, because this was a…
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Challenge. Medical Pathologist, MD/PhD, was interested in determining the economic viability of a start-up business providing clinical pathology services to medical facilities in the Puget Sound region. This business would be centered on a relatively new pathology procedure which was seeing increasing adoption among physicians and other primary medical care providers. Approach. I performed background…
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Challenge. Private Equity Firm principals were considering investing in a category leading retail chain with over 2,000 locations in the U.S. and internationally and wanted to gather store level performance information to supplement existing information they had on the subject company. They had concerns about certain elements of the company’s business and wanted to better…
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The Source Bain & Company is a global management consulting firm founded in 1973 with 48 offices in 31 countries around the world. The firm’s clients include many of the largest organizations that comprise the Fortune 500 and it boldly claims that its clients out-perform the market (as measured by the S&P 500, a standard…
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