Challenge. The monthly customer meetings (hereafter, “Event”) hosted by U.S. Government Financial Management organization generated sparse and irregular attendance among the target audience – extra-organization personnel responsible for budget management in their respective programs. The meetings seemed to lack structure and there wasn’t much enthusiasm among leadership. Approach. Sensing an opportunity for improvement, I proposed…
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Challenge. Health & Wellness Group, composed of multiple practitioners, was interested in consolidating their practices into and forming a single business entity in the Seattle market. They wanted to clearly understand the characteristics and benefits of the various business structures and the process required to form a new business entity. They were bogged down in…
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Challenge. The environmental program of Higher Education Institution lacked a regional organization, standards, and brand presence in the six north Puget Sound counties in which it operated. Program principals wanted a sustainable business plan that considered various options for organizational structure, program design, branding/marketing strategy, and funding strategy, among other considerations, as well as a…
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Purpose Everything that’s ever been created was created with a purpose in mind: its raison d’être or “reason for existence”. Products, services, programs, teams, functional areas, committees (especially ad hoc), organizations, and even human beings – there’s a reason why they all exist. A company’s mission statement is a proclamation of the organization’s purpose or…
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