Author: E. Stephen Kim

Creating solutions for a new world.™

Purpose & Strategy Execution

Purpose Everything that’s ever been created was created with a purpose in mind: its raison d’être or “reason for existence”.  Products, services, programs, teams, functional areas, committees (especially ad hoc), organizations, and even human beings – there’s a reason why they all exist. A company’s mission statement is a proclamation of the organization’s purpose or…
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How Much Is Your Business Worth?

Business Valuation Explained It’s said that your business is worth what a buyer is willing to pay for it, but in a competitive, free-market economy in which people have varying degrees of information and limited time to make decisions, how does a prospective buyer determine how much he or she is willing to pay for…
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Big Decisions Require a Decision Tree

A Tool for Big Decisions When you first started up your business, you may have made many of your initial decisions by gut instinct.  At this level, perhaps your intuition worked out for you more often than not.  After your business began to grow and you added staff, you may have made decisions by committee,…
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What Makes You (and Tully’s) Special? A Bain & Co. Primer

The Source Bain & Company is a global management consulting firm founded in 1973 with 48 offices in 31 countries around the world.  The firm’s clients include many of the largest organizations that comprise the Fortune 500 and it boldly claims that its clients out-perform the market (as measured by the S&P 500, a standard…
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Why the Lakers Should Have Performed a SWOT Analysis

My Basketball World Anyone who knows me well knows that I love basketball.  I made my first basket at the age of ten playing at the South End Boys & Girls Club in Tacoma, Washington, and played up to high school ball in Kent.  During my senior year, my team went to the WIAA state…
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Are You Catching Enough Fish?

Professional marketers will mention the importance of systematizing your business development activities and building a pipeline or a sales funnel to capture leads.  For the longest time, savvy marketing directors have built these systems for their organizations in the physical world but, with the expansion of the Internet into all aspects of our lives, you…
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